You probably don’t want to spend all your money on dates. But how do you get out of paying entirely?
ADVANCED TRAINING: How to Get GIRLS to Pay for Dates
Covered in this video:
The first date is IMPORTANT… for a few major reasons.
You might be aware of some of these. But are you aware of them all?
ADVANCED TRAINING: First Date Planning: The Guide to Awesome Date Numero Unos
In this rather fun (in my
How quickly can a GOOD seduction move?
Last time, in our intro video to this
We tend to think of historical seductions as happening slowly.
Meanwhile, a
You must change her mood, NOT her mind. But how?
Women might call this ‘mind
A seducer doesn’t try to change a woman’s mind — he changes her mood.
Ready to make a girl fall head-over-heels in love with you… even BEFORE intimacy w
If you want other people to value you, you must be able to SHOW that value.