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Asking a Girl Out Over Text with the “Social Invite”

If she won’t come out to a 1-on-1 date with you, never fear:

There’s another option you can try with her, that very often works.

That other option is what I call the “social invite”…

… and while it isn’t always the ideal DATE, it is ideal for a RESET.

Watch the video to see just how to do this (and get that girl out who’s been dodging your dates).

The social invite not quite cutting it?

Use my super secret (and more than a little sneaky) Party

Auto-Rejection: Why Girls Reject High Value Guys 12:28

Auto-Rejection: Why Girls Reject High Value Guys

Girls don’t always reject you because you’re “not good enough.”

Some girls reject you because you’re TOO good.

ADVANCED TRAINING: How to Build Attainability that Gets You Girls

“Auto-rejection” is an insidious rejection reason most men ever realize

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How to Seduce a Girl FAST: The Guide

How quickly can a GOOD seduction move?

Last time, in our intro video to this

How Fast Can a Good Seduction Be? 05:34

How Fast Can a Good Seduction Be?

We tend to think of historical seductions as happening slowly.

Meanwhile, a

How to Change a Woman’s Mood

You must change her mood, NOT her mind. But how?

Women might call this ‘mind

Change a Woman’s Mood, Not Her Mind! 09:28

Change a Woman’s Mood, Not Her Mind!

A seducer doesn’t try to change a woman’s mind — he changes her mood.

DHVing to Girls: The Grounding Sequence

Ready to make a girl fall head-over-heels in love with you… even BEFORE intimacy w

DHVing to Girls: Using Other People

If you want other people to value you, you must be able to SHOW that value.