Cole watched How Fast Can a Good Seduction Be?
We tend to think of historical seductions as happening slowly.
Meanwhile, a lot of what goes on today is EXPECTED to happen FAST.
But if a seduction happens very fast, is it, indeed, ‘seduction’? Or was it more a case of ‘rig
Cole watched How to Seduce a Girl FAST: The Guide
How quickly can a GOOD seduction move?
Last time, in our intro video to this series, we discussed the vast range of speeds a seduction can move at.
Cole watched How to Find Cities It’s Easy to Meet Girls In The right city (for you) can make meeting women a whole lot easier. But what should you look for? PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Cole watched 17 Opening Body Language Tips (Beginner —> ADVANCED) Your body position on opening a new girl tells her CRUCIAL information about you. Get your posture even a little bit wrong, and you’ll send a message you don’t want to send… PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Cole watched 8 Guaranteed Ways to Get Girls Hooked Let’s get girls hooked on you like a brambles on a sweater. There’s a lot you can do to completely suck girls in… we’re going to talk about it today. PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Cole watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 7: Bonus Tips & Tidbits It’s time to wrap up this peerless 7-video course on how to pick up girls in your day-to-day life. We’ll close things out with 8 cherry-on-top tips to maximize your success with day-to-day life pickup. In this final video in Cole watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 6: What Full Integration Looks Like As we get close to wrapping up the series, it’s time to tie everything together. You have all the pieces you need now to integrate pickup into your day-to-day life. What’s that actually look like, however? In thi Cole watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 5: Expanding Your Social Net Most men stick to fairly limited social circles and types of people. Yet if you want to get the MOST out of your socializing — and you want to meet lots of women — you are going to need a broader social net. Cole watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 4: Social Circle or Cold Approach? There comes a time when every man must ask himself: “Do I want to meet girls through my friends or do I want to meet girls anywhere?” The answer to this question lets a man decide whether he’ll focus on social circle o Cole watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 3: How to Be “Always On” Once you’re out there, you start seeing girls you want to meet… but don’t. How do you get yourself to be “always on”, so you can go meet girls whenever you see them? Covered in Part 3: How to Be “Always On”: Cole watched Advanced Ways to Pick Up Girls Solo So you like meeting girls solo. Now it’s time to take your solo game to the hilt… and put piles and piles of girls in your solo bed chambers. PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Cole watched 5 Ways to Get OUT of Paying for Dates (Without Looking Cheap!) You probably don’t want to spend all your money on dates. But how do you get out of paying entirely? Cole watched Why I Won’t Tell You My Favorite Cities for Meeting Girls I won’t tell you my favorite cities to meet girls at. Why not? Well, I’ll tell you WHY I won’t… Cole watched How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls? Stiff or expressive? Wooden or dazzling? How much emotion SHOULD you show (and how broad must your range be) when you talk to women? COMING SOON: ADVANCED TRAINING: What Emotions to Show Girls & Elicit in a Sed Cole watched The “I Just Noticed You” Opening Angle Guys who’ve cold approached for a bit often hit a “rut” where their opening becomes too robotic. It’s too practiced… too repetitive… and too hard to break out of that stiffness. ADVANCED TRAINING: 17 Opening Bo Cole watched How to Reach the Hook Point with Girls The “hook point” is the point where a girl hooks into the conversation with you. That is, she reaches the phase where now she doesn’t want this chat with you to end. ADVANCED TRAINING: 8 Guaranteed Ways to Get Cole watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 2: Common Mistakes Men Make Many guys who try to integrate picking up girls to their daily lives run into false starts. They try, and fail, then try and fail again. Ultimately, many give up, resigning themselves to not approaching women during their dai Cole watched Why Women Tell Lies Why do girls tell lies? ⇒ ADVANCED TRAINING: How to Stop Girls from Lying It can be hurtful when they do… you Cole watched How to Go Out Alone to Pick Up Girls Going out alone to pick up girls can be scary… yet it can also be greatly rewarding. There are more than a few tricks to getting it right, however. ADVANCED TRAINING: Advanced Ways to Pick Up Girls Solo
Cole watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 1: Basics Sooner or later, guys want to know how to integrate picking up girls into their day-to-day lives. You can’t keep dumping time into walking around the mall, hanging out in the clubs forever, right? How do you make it so that y Cole watched Change a Woman’s Mood, Not Her Mind! A seducer doesn’t try to change a woman’s mind — he changes her mood. But just why is this so important for him to do? ADVANCED TRAINING:
Cole watched How to Get GIRLS to Pay for Dates Getting girls to pay for you doesn’t just save you money — it raises the chance you bed the girl! Covered in this video: Cole watched How to Change a Woman’s Mood You must change her mood, NOT her mind. But how? Women might call this ‘mind control’, but it isn’t — it’s mood control! CONTINUED FROM THIS VIDEO:
Cole watched How to Talk to Girls: 14 Killer Conversation Tips Girls DON’T talk about the stuff guys do. That’s because girls aren’t guys! They think different… feel different… and like different things. ADVANCED TRAINING:
Cole watched Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”? Approach anxiety — that fear men feel before they approach a new girl — rules the hearts of most men. Most men do not approach anywhere ear the women they wish they could… due precisely to this fear. ADV Cole watched 9 Advanced Deep Dive Tips The deep dive is a man’s tool to get women to open up. PREVIOUS VIDEO: Cole watched How to Be Charming Without Trying 00:50 – Girls LOVE dumb guys 01:30 – Women fear being TRICKED by smart guys 03:00 – laziness, stupidity, and non-threatening 05:00 – How confidence and not caring works 09:30 – Smart guys are “scary” 11:30 – Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 25: Appropriate, Timely Humor Delivering the wrong joke at the wrong time and you can wear out your welcome FAST! In this lesson, we look at how to deliver the right kind of humor at the right time for it. Included in this video: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 24: Delivering Good Humor The right humor delivery makes the difference between laughs and frowns. So what goes into good delivery of humor? Quite a lot! In this lesson, we cover: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 23: Conversational Aptitude Your aptitude in conversation makes a HUGE difference. It displays your social savviness… you may not even realize how much. What aspects of conversation do people look for? How do you exhibit more social savvy when yo Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 1: Becoming a More Attractive Man What makes a man attractive? Is it his jawline? Height? The space between his eyes? Perhaps the symmetry in his face and body? While those things beyond a man’s control do factor into attractiveness, an enormous amount of ind Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 30: Accessorizing Your Outfit in Interesting Ways Accessories can make you stand out and give you a more appealing look. Yet, accessorize wrong, and you risk detracting from your look — or even looking gaudy or garish. In this video, we’ll go over: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 30: Accessorizing Your Outfit in Interesting Ways Accessories can make you stand out and give you a more appealing look. Yet, accessorize wrong, and you risk detracting from your look — or even looking gaudy or garish. In this video, we’ll go over: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 27: Maintaining the Right Social Reputation You tend to see the same people again and again — for that reason alone, reputation MATTERS. Let others dictate your reputation, and it may not be the one you want. Nevertheless, if you understand how reputation works, Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 26: Build & Use Social Momentum Social momentum allows everything you do socially to be that much more impactful. It’s one of the ultimate “magic pills” for upping your results with women! Here we talk about developing… and more. Covered in this video: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 16: Depth, Resonance, & a Sexy Vocal “Purr” The sexiest men have deep, resonant voices — and KNOW how to use purr. In this lesson, we discuss developing all these aspects in your own voice: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 15: A Clear, Loud Voice No one wants to have to repeat himself. For THAT, you need a clear, LOUD voice. In this video, you’ll discover just how to get it: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 9: A Sexy Male Walk Your walk says so much about you — to men and women alike. Why do people pay so much attention to walk though… and how do you get a truly sexy male walk? Discussed in this video: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 21: Possessing Social Power Social power: it’s the influence you wield over others — plus get what you want without straining for it. The men who possess a LOT of it can move mountains socially, and achieve enviable social results. In this lesson we dis Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 5: Electric Eye Contact The eyes are the window to the soul. They’re also your single greatest attraction tool. The way a man uses his eyes allows him to suck in and mesmerize… or tease and intrigue. Covered in this video: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 19: Speaking in a Grabbing, Colorful Way The language you use can make your speech dull and tedious… or enlivening and vivacious. Today we’ll be talking about how to inject some life into your tired verbiage. Explored within this lesson: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 18: Adding Uniqueness to Your Voice A great, distinctive voice is a voice that has character. It’s a voice that stands out from the pack — even one that turns heads. In this lesson, we’ll go beyond depth, volume, purr, and tone, and talk about adding some char Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 7: Magnetic Mannerisms Mannerisms are for your body what expressions are for your face. How do you develop mannerisms that truly communicate what you wish to, though? In this lesson, we cover: Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 6: Expressive Facial Expressions Facial expressions allow someone to convey what he’s feeling on the inside. They’re one of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication — yet most men roundly ignore them. In this lesson, we’ll discuss how to use you Cole watched Fantastic Fundamentals 5: Electric Eye Contact The eyes are the window to the soul. They’re also your single greatest attraction tool. The way a man uses his eyes allows him to suck in and mesmerize… or tease and intrigue. Covered in this video:How to Find Cities It’s Easy to Meet Girls In
17 Opening Body Language Tips (Beginner —> ADVANCED)
8 Guaranteed Ways to Get Girls Hooked
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 7: Bonus Tips & Ti
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 6: What Full Integrati
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 5: Expanding Your Soci
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 4: Social Circle or Co
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 3: How to Be “Always O
Advanced Ways to Pick Up Girls Solo
5 Ways to Get OUT of Paying for Dates (Without Looking Cheap!)
Why I Won’t Tell You My Favorite Cities for Meeting Girls
How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls?
The “I Just Noticed You” Opening Angle
How to Reach the Hook Point with Girls
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 2: Common Mistakes Men
Why Women Tell Lies
How to Go Out Alone to Pick Up Girls
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 1: Basics
Change a Woman’s Mood, Not Her Mind!
How to Get GIRLS to Pay for Dates
How to Change a Woman’s Mood
How to Talk to Girls: 14 Killer Conversation Tips
Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”?
9 Advanced Deep Dive Tips
How to Be Charming Without Trying
Fantastic Fundamentals 25: Appropriate, Timely Humor
Fantastic Fundamentals 24: Delivering Good Humor
Fantastic Fundamentals 23: Conversational Aptitude
Fantastic Fundamentals 1: Becoming a More Attractive Man
Fantastic Fundamentals 30: Accessorizing Your Outfit in Interesting
Fantastic Fundamentals 30: Accessorizing Your Outfit in Interesting
Fantastic Fundamentals 27: Maintaining the Right Social Reputation
Fantastic Fundamentals 26: Build & Use Social Momentum
Fantastic Fundamentals 16: Depth, Resonance, & a Sexy Vocal “Pur
Fantastic Fundamentals 15: A Clear, Loud Voice
Fantastic Fundamentals 9: A Sexy Male Walk
Fantastic Fundamentals 21: Possessing Social Power
Fantastic Fundamentals 5: Electric Eye Contact
Fantastic Fundamentals 19: Speaking in a Grabbing, Colorful Way
Fantastic Fundamentals 18: Adding Uniqueness to Your Voice
Fantastic Fundamentals 7: Magnetic Mannerisms
Fantastic Fundamentals 6: Expressive Facial Expressions
Fantastic Fundamentals 5: Electric Eye Contact