Demetrius watched Daygame Fundamentals Review 3 Rules
What are Tony's 3 rules of daygame? In this video he explains the steps you should never miss in a good daygame approach.
Demetrius watched Daygame Infield - Redhead
Here's an open, banter and contact close with a redhead in a coffee shop. Enjoy.
If you'd like a free consultation, book a time with this link.
Do you suffer from Approach Anx
Demetrius watched Mindset for Motivation to Approach Girls - Full Webinar
Have you ever found yourself struggling to find the motivation to approach women. This full webinar will give you a powerful boost to increase your motivation.
Demetrius watched Better Than Alpha: Be a Romance Hero
01:15 - Becoming an alpha isn't the highest goal
02:00 - What makes a romance hero?
05:00 - You can have a great experience that only lasts one night
06:30 - How do you BECOME this guy?
07:15 - Cultivate a l
Demetrius watched What's the best way to meet girls in 2024?
What's the best way to meet women? Is it online dating, daygame, night game, or social circle?
In this video I discuss the my own preferences.
Grab this free anxiety destroying technique and join my newsletter. Ht
Demetrius watched This is What Creeps Girls Out (Full Webinar)
Have you ever stressed about creeping a girl out with your approach? You're not alone. This full hour long webinar covers what girls find creepy and how to avoid being that guy.
This is a full livestream from my Skool communi
Demetrius watched Charisma Tip #2: Talk with Your Face
Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course:
Stop getting ignored by girls over text and instead get responses and dates:
Demetrius watched Charisma Tip #3: Show Her Your Thinking Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course: Stop getting ignored by girls over text and instead get responses and dates:
Demetrius watched Use Eye Contact to Prime Your Approach (Pre-Opening) Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course: Stop getting ignored by girls over text and instead get responses and dates:
Demetrius watched Destroy Approach Anxiety Guided Meditation If you suffer from approach anxiety or “what to say” syndrome, then sit back in a quiet place and enjoy this deep hypnosis video. It will help you to eliminate your approach anxiety. My newsletter and free Fearless Approach B Demetrius watched Change a Woman’s Mood, Not Her Mind! A seducer doesn’t try to change a woman’s mind — he changes her mood. But just why is this so important for him to do? ADVANCED TRAINING:
Demetrius watched What is a Good Daygame Conversation Rate? What is a good daygame conversion rate. Some coaches make outrageous claims. And men will forever feel like they can't live up to those standards. The reality is that 2%, for most guys, is a very reasonable approa Demetrius watched Stop Caring What People Think About You If you struggle with caring a little bit too much about what others think of you, then watch this video. The Fearless Approach Blueprint (and newsletter) Http:// Free p Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 6: Expressive Facial Expressions Facial expressions allow someone to convey what he’s feeling on the inside. They’re one of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication — yet most men roundly ignore them. In this lesson, we’ll discuss how to use you Demetrius watched My Wife's Ex and I Play Truth or Drink ____________________________________________________ Video details: ____________________________________________________ Related Articles/ Videos: ________________________________ Demetrius watched The Infinite Conversation Glitch w/ Girls Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course: Stop getting ignored by girls over text and instead get responses and dates: http Demetrius watched Do Master Seducers Get Rejected? Does it happen? Demetrius watched How to KNOW She's Checking You Out This is something lots of girls do but you never see them doing it because it's hard to catch! Demetrius watched 5 Causes of Cheating 02:45 - She was lacking something 04:15 - Long distance 07:00 - Partying 08:20 - Revenge 10:15 - Lack of emotions _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Demetrius watched It's Summer Time! Go Do Day Game! Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course: Demetrius watched How to Eat Pu**y Like a Pro Video Details: Demetrius watched Top 7 Sex Positions To Make Girls CRAZY For YOU 01:10 - The first sex position that will blow her mind: Fuck Fu Demetrius watched What Makes Marlon Brando So Sexy? 01:15 – “Hiya” ;) 01:40 – Brando is primal with his body language 02:40 – GOLDEN LINE DELIVERED BEAUTIFULLY 03:50 – He’s amazing with pauses and silence 05:15 – MEOWWWWWW 06:50 – The QUESTION SHES ASK Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 29: Clothes with a Perfect Fit How well do your clothes fit? Snug, average, or loose? The way your clothes hug your body has a big effect in how you’re PERCEIVED. In this video, we discuss: Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 26: Build & Use Social Momentum Social momentum allows everything you do socially to be that much more impactful. It’s one of the ultimate “magic pills” for upping your results with women! Here we talk about developing… and more. Covered in this video: Demetrius watched First Date Planning: The Guide to Awesome Date Numero Unos Ready to plan an AMAZING first date? One that’ll absolutely blow women’s socks off? PREVIOUS VIDEO: https://www Demetrius watched Ask for a Date Tonight? _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Instagram: Get my college book and learn social circle game: Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 24: Delivering Good Humor The right humor delivery makes the difference between laughs and frowns. So what goes into good delivery of humor? Quite a lot! In this lesson, we cover: Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 23: Conversational Aptitude Your aptitude in conversation makes a HUGE difference. It displays your social savviness… you may not even realize how much. What aspects of conversation do people look for? How do you exhibit more social savvy when yo Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 20: Slick & Savvy Social Skills Savvy social skills are a critical attractive fundamental. What’s more, GOOD ones are getting harder and harder to come by! You want YOURS to be sharp… so you can attract more of the kinds of people you want int Demetrius watched How to Build Attainability that Gets You Girls Attainability can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around. Yet, once you get it, you REALLY get it… and you start to get the girls, too (a lot of them!). PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Demetrius watched Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”? Approach anxiety — that fear men feel before they approach a new girl — rules the hearts of most men. Most men do not approach anywhere ear the women they wish they could… due precisely to this fear. ADV Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 21: Possessing Social Power Social power: it’s the influence you wield over others — plus get what you want without straining for it. The men who possess a LOT of it can move mountains socially, and achieve enviable social results. In this lesson we dis Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 19: Speaking in a Grabbing, Colorful Way The language you use can make your speech dull and tedious… or enlivening and vivacious. Today we’ll be talking about how to inject some life into your tired verbiage. Explored within this lesson: Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 1: Becoming a More Attractive Man What makes a man attractive? Is it his jawline? Height? The space between his eyes? Perhaps the symmetry in his face and body? While those things beyond a man’s control do factor into attractiveness, an enormous amount of ind Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 14: Secrets to a Sexy Voice Your voice is a critical part of your attractiveness to women. Yet so few men ever work on theirs! In this chapter on fundamentals, you’ll see just how to make yours incredibly sexy. Discussed inside this introductory v Demetrius watched How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls? Stiff or expressive? Wooden or dazzling? How much emotion SHOULD you show (and how broad must your range be) when you talk to women? COMING SOON: ADVANCED TRAINING: What Emotions to Show Girls & Elicit in a Sed Demetrius watched Alone at The Bar? What To Do 01:50 - You're what? 03:00 - Don't be fooled 04:30 - Maybe go approach 07:00 - My favorite solution Demetrius watched How to Have a Cool Conversation With Anyone Related Articles/Videos: Demetrius watched How to Talk to Girls: 14 Killer Conversation Tips Girls DON’T talk about the stuff guys do. That’s because girls aren’t guys! They think different… feel different… and like different things. ADVANCED TRAINING:
Demetrius watched How to Use Hand Gestures To Enchant Women Video Details: Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 8: Movement Movement is a lot subtler than what we talked about in the lessons on facial expressions and mannerisms. Yet it has a noticeable impact on the way a man presents — and his attractiveness. Discussed in this video: Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 9: A Sexy Male Walk Your walk says so much about you — to men and women alike. Why do people pay so much attention to walk though… and how do you get a truly sexy male walk? Discussed in this video: Demetrius watched 9 Advanced Deep Dive Tips The deep dive is a man’s tool to get women to open up. PREVIOUS VIDEO: Demetrius watched Fantastic Fundamentals 7: Magnetic Mannerisms Mannerisms are for your body what expressions are for your face. How do you develop mannerisms that truly communicate what you wish to, though? In this lesson, we cover:Charisma Tip #3: Show Her Your Thinking
Use Eye Contact to Prime Your Approach (Pre-Opening)
Destroy Approach Anxiety Guided Meditation
Change a Woman’s Mood, Not Her Mind!
What is a Good Daygame Conversation Rate?
Stop Caring What People Think About You
Fantastic Fundamentals 6: Expressive Facial Expressions
My Wife's Ex and I Play Truth or Drink
The Infinite Conversation Glitch w/ Girls
Do Master Seducers Get Rejected?
How to KNOW She's Checking You Out
Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course: Causes of Cheating
It's Summer Time! Go Do Day Game!
How to Eat Pu**y Like a Pro
01:00 - For women it's a total body experience
07:20 - WHEN SHE'S READY, IT'S GO TIMEEEE Top 7 Sex Positions To Make Girls CRAZY For YOU
03:30 - Sally Sue, the second amazing sex position that will make her orgasm hard
05:00 - How to REALLY have a lot of fun with this position
05:55What Makes Marlon Brando So Sexy?
Fantastic Fundamentals 29: Clothes with a Perfect Fit
Fantastic Fundamentals 26: Build & Use Social Momentum
First Date Planning: The Guide to Awesome Date Numero Unos
Ask for a Date Tonight?
Fantastic Fundamentals 24: Delivering Good Humor
Fantastic Fundamentals 23: Conversational Aptitude
Fantastic Fundamentals 20: Slick & Savvy Social Skills
How to Build Attainability that Gets You Girls
Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”?
Fantastic Fundamentals 21: Possessing Social Power
Fantastic Fundamentals 19: Speaking in a Grabbing, Colorful Way
Fantastic Fundamentals 1: Becoming a More Attractive Man
Fantastic Fundamentals 14: Secrets to a Sexy Voice
How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls?
Alone at The Bar? What To Do
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How to Have a Cool Conversation With Anyone
LINK FOR ATTAINABILITY VIDEO: to Talk to Girls: 14 Killer Conversation Tips
How to Use Hand Gestures To Enchant Women
00:40 - Papi thinks visually and in stories, so I hand gestures are big for me
03:30 - The three aspects of hand gestures
05:20 - Think about the "metaphor" of your hanFantastic Fundamentals 8: Movement
Fantastic Fundamentals 9: A Sexy Male Walk
9 Advanced Deep Dive Tips
Fantastic Fundamentals 7: Magnetic Mannerisms