Derek watched What to Do If She Plays Hard to Get
00:40 - Women can PRETEND to be hard to get, but not actually be hard to get
02:15 - You want to get a 1% girl, you gotta be in the top 1%
04:15 - What are some behaviors girls will demonstrate
Derek watched She Flaked? Keep Calm
00:30 - Is it a "good flake"?
02:00 - If she flakes like THIS, then don't give anything anymore
03:00 - If she immediately reschedules, it's okay!
03:30 - The more effort she puts into explaining it, the better!<
Derek watched How to Turn A Woman On With Words
Video Details:
00:50 - You CAN formalize attraction. We do it, but don't get STUCK in the formula. Use as a GUIDE.
03:15 - I have very few "lines" that I'll repeat
05:20 - How to get
Derek watched How to Not Kill The Vibe With a Girl
Video Details:
00:30 - Ways that conversation with a girl you're flirting with turns sour
02:03- How to react if something awkward happens
04:25 - What happens when you don't know wha
Derek watched How to Never Run Out of Things to Say to Girls
01:15 - Curiosity and philosophy helps a LOT here
03:45 - When you are curious about LIFE, you become curious about women and will EASILY have conversation
04:15 - MOST of you are average
06:30 - When you are c
Derek watched Fantastic Fundamentals 24: Delivering Good Humor
The right humor delivery makes the difference between laughs and frowns.
So what goes into good delivery of humor? Quite a lot!
In this lesson, we cover:
Derek watched Fantastic Fundamentals 22: Being LESS “Tryhard”
To become socially effortless, first you must learn.
During that “learning phase”, you’ll need to spend some time looking… well, a bit try-hard.
To help you through this phase with as little pain as possible, there’s this vid
Derek watched Fantastic Fundamentals 15: A Clear, Loud Voice
No one wants to have to repeat himself.
For THAT, you need a clear, LOUD voice.
In this video, you’ll discover just how to get it:
Derek watched Fantastic Fundamentals 25: Appropriate, Timely Humor
Delivering the wrong joke at the wrong time and you can wear out your welcome FAST!
In this lesson, we look at how to deliver the right kind of humor at the right time for it.
Included in this video:
Derek watched The Infinite Conversation Glitch w/ Girls
Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course:
Stop getting ignored by girls over text and instead get responses and dates: http
Derek watched How to Have a Cool Conversation With Anyone
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Derek watched How to Actively Listen in Conversation with Girls
00:30 - Context and specifics are super important. CONTEXT. SPECIFICITY.
01:20 - How I "recorded" my experiences and learned from them in great detail
04:10 - The 3 most important parts of ACTIVE LISTENING
Derek watched How to Be Dom With a Sub
Follow Hector on Instagram:
Get my college book and learn social circle game:
Derek watched Fantastic Fundamentals 32: Dressing Interesting vs. Dressing LOUD
An interesting outfit catches eyes… but a LOUD one will make eyes ROLL!
How do you walk the line between “interesting” and “loud”? This video lays it out.
In this video, you’ll discover:
Derek watched You're Passing up The Hottest Girls
Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course:
Stop getting ignored by girls over text and instead get responses and dates:
Derek watched Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”? Approach anxiety — that fear men feel before they approach a new girl — rules the hearts of most men. Most men do not approach anywhere ear the women they wish they could… due precisely to this fear. ADV Derek watched What Makes Good Game? _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Instagram: Get my college book and learn social circle game: Derek watched The ONE THING to Avoid on a Date _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Instagram: Get my college book and learn social circle game: Derek watched Why Women Don't Want to Sleep With You 01:50 - You can't see how your own face looks, but it says a LOT. Derek watched How to spend time in a relationship _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Instagram: Get my college book and learn social circle game: https:// Derek watched MARIA 5 ways to overcome approach anxiety Derek watched 10 Tips That DESTROY Approach Anxiety Approach anxiety affects almost every man. So how DO you overcome it… and start chatting up all the girls you’d really like to meet? PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Derek watched Pretty vs Cute vs Beautiful Girls Treat girls how you feel about them and your game will improve. Derek watched 1 Easy Trick to Connect with Her INSTANTLY (That Nobody Uses) It's a very easy way to create similarity with a girl, and thus attraction, but most men forget to do this, even though it's so simple! Derek watched How to Deep Dive a Girl (and Get Her to Really Open Up) How do you get girls to open up to you? The secret to getting a woman to tell you everything about herself is a technique called ‘deep diving’. The deep dive is a conversation method that takes a topic of conversation Derek watched How to Talk to Girls: 14 Killer Conversation Tips Girls DON’T talk about the stuff guys do. That’s because girls aren’t guys! They think different… feel different… and like different things. ADVANCED TRAINING:
Derek watched 11 Reasons Women Give to Not Have Sex and How to Answer Them When a girl objects in the bedroom, she doesn’t mean “I don’t want you at all.” She’ll be disappointed if you give up and leave (or kick her out). What she really wants is for you to show her you can overcome her objec Derek watched How to Find Cities It’s Easy to Meet Girls In The right city (for you) can make meeting women a whole lot easier. But what should you look for? PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Derek watched How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls? Stiff or expressive? Wooden or dazzling? How much emotion SHOULD you show (and how broad must your range be) when you talk to women? COMING SOON: ADVANCED TRAINING: What Emotions to Show Girls & Elicit in a Sed Derek watched How to Stop Girls from Lying Last time, we talked about WHY women tell lies (<— click the link if you haven’t seen that one yet). Today, we talk about how to get them to S Derek watched Why Women Tell Lies Why do girls tell lies? ⇒ ADVANCED TRAINING: How to Stop Girls from Lying It can be hurtful when they do… you Derek watched Why Do Girls Like Mysterious Guys? Mystery… it’s one of those things women are constantly intrigued by in men. Continually they work to peel back the layers and find out what the “truth” of a man is. Yet a lot of men tend to be straight-shooting “what you see Derek watched 11 Reasons Women Give to Not Have Sex and How to Answer Them When a girl objects in the bedroom, she doesn’t mean “I don’t want you at all.” She’ll be disappointed if you give up and leave (or kick her out). What she really wants is for you to show her you can overcome her objec Derek watched How to Use Phone Calls to Bond with Girls Phone calls (as unused today as they are) are an incredible way to bond with girls. They can completely reset an all-but-broken connection… … they are even potent for attracting (or re-attracting) women you barely made Derek watched First Date Planning: The Guide to Awesome Date Numero Unos Ready to plan an AMAZING first date? One that’ll absolutely blow women’s socks off? PREVIOUS VIDEO: https://www Derek watched The 9 Best Things to Talk About with Women Talk to girls right — with the RIGHT topics — and you can supercharge their interest in you. But what are the right topics? We’re going to talk about those today. PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Derek watched Messaging Girls on Dating Apps via Stereotypes Judge a book by its cover. Derek watched Last Minute Reservations (LMR) Part 2 _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Instagram: Get my college book and learn social circle game: Derek watched Last Minute Reservations (LMR), Part 1: Why _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Instagram: Get my college book and learn social circle game: Derek watched You Don't Have to Sleep With Her On The First Date...But... Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course: Derek watched The Importance of Touch When Building Attraction with Women 03:00 - We FLIRT WITH TOUCH 08:30 - Don't be an idiot about this 10:30 - DONT GO AROUND TOUCHING RANDOM WOMEN, YOU MORON 12:30 - Again, don't be an idiot 13:30 - Why you guys are afraid, and I get it _______ Derek watched Bedroom Objections: Avoiding Objections to Sex There’s little that chills a man’s blood quite like a woman objecting to intimacy back after a hard night’s pull. So close! … and yet so far. ADVANCED TRAINING: Bedroom Objections: Overcoming Light and STRONG S Derek watched 11 Reasons Women Give to Not Have Sex and How to Answer Them When a girl objects in the bedroom, she doesn’t mean “I don’t want you at all.” She’ll be disappointed if you give up and leave (or kick her out). What she really wants is for you to show her you can overcome her objec Derek watched How to Talk to Girls & COMPLETELY Absorb Them Did you know the average woman is zoned out 84.163% of the time she’s talking to a guy? I don’t actually know if that’s true. However, just because you’re talking to a girl doesn’t mean you have her attention! How you Derek watched Fantastic Fundamentals 23: Conversational Aptitude Your aptitude in conversation makes a HUGE difference. It displays your social savviness… you may not even realize how much. What aspects of conversation do people look for? How do you exhibit more social savvy when yoWhy Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”?
What Makes Good Game?
The ONE THING to Avoid on a Date
Why Women Don't Want to Sleep With You
02:40 - My client was tense and LIMITING his expression of his sexuality
04:20 - What is this SHAME?
06:30 - The shame is a WEIGHT that holds yoHow to spend time in a relationship
MARIA 5 ways to overcome approach anxiety
____________________________________________________Video details:____________________________________________________Related Articles/ Videos:____________________________________________________&10 Tips That DESTROY Approach Anxiety
Pretty vs Cute vs Beautiful Girls
1 Easy Trick to Connect with Her INSTANTLY (That Nobody Uses)
How to Deep Dive a Girl (and Get Her to Really Open Up)
How to Talk to Girls: 14 Killer Conversation Tips
11 Reasons Women Give to Not Have Sex and How to Answer Them
How to Find Cities It’s Easy to Meet Girls In
How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls?
How to Stop Girls from Lying
Why Women Tell Lies
Why Do Girls Like Mysterious Guys?
11 Reasons Women Give to Not Have Sex and How to Answer Them
How to Use Phone Calls to Bond with Girls
First Date Planning: The Guide to Awesome Date Numero Unos
The 9 Best Things to Talk About with Women
Messaging Girls on Dating Apps via Stereotypes
Last Minute Reservations (LMR) Part 2
Last Minute Reservations (LMR), Part 1: Why
You Don't Have to Sleep With Her On The First Date...But...
The Importance of Touch When Building Attraction with Women
Bedroom Objections: Avoiding Objections to Sex
11 Reasons Women Give to Not Have Sex and How to Answer Them
How to Talk to Girls & COMPLETELY Absorb Them
Fantastic Fundamentals 23: Conversational Aptitude