Harish Ramalingam watched How to Build Attainability that Gets You Girls
Attainability can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around.
Yet, once you get it, you REALLY get it… and you start to get the girls, too (a lot of them!).
Harish Ramalingam watched Auto-Rejection: Why Girls Reject High Value Guys Girls don’t always reject you because you’re “not good enough.” Some girls reject you because you’re TOO good. ADVANCED TRAINING: How to Build Attainability that Gets You Girls
Harish Ramalingam watched Signs That She Wants to Fuck Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course: https://courses.girlschase.com/page/meet-girls-everywhere#a_aid=6969&a_bid=4483fab7 Stop getting ignored by girls over text and instead get responses and dates:
Harish Ramalingam commented on the video How to Reach the Hook Point with Girls Harish Ramalingam watched How to Reach the Hook Point with Girls The “hook point” is the point where a girl hooks into the conversation with you. That is, she reaches the phase where now she doesn’t want this chat with you to end. ADVANCED TRAINING: 8 Guaranteed Ways to Get Harish Ramalingam watched Fantastic Fundamentals 6: Expressive Facial Expressions Facial expressions allow someone to convey what he’s feeling on the inside. They’re one of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication — yet most men roundly ignore them. In this lesson, we’ll discuss how to use you Harish Ramalingam watched Fantastic Fundamentals 5: Electric Eye Contact The eyes are the window to the soul. They’re also your single greatest attraction tool. The way a man uses his eyes allows him to suck in and mesmerize… or tease and intrigue. Covered in this video: Harish Ramalingam watched Fantastic Fundamentals 1: Becoming a More Attractive Man What makes a man attractive? Is it his jawline? Height? The space between his eyes? Perhaps the symmetry in his face and body? While those things beyond a man’s control do factor into attractiveness, an enormous amount of ind Harish Ramalingam watched How to Change a Woman’s Mood You must change her mood, NOT her mind. But how? Women might call this ‘mind control’, but it isn’t — it’s mood control! CONTINUED FROM THIS VIDEO:
Harish Ramalingam watched Change a Woman’s Mood, Not Her Mind! A seducer doesn’t try to change a woman’s mind — he changes her mood. But just why is this so important for him to do? ADVANCED TRAINING:
Harish Ramalingam watched How to Talk to Girls & COMPLETELY Absorb Them Did you know the average woman is zoned out 84.163% of the time she’s talking to a guy? I don’t actually know if that’s true. However, just because you’re talking to a girl doesn’t mean you have her attention! How you Harish Ramalingam watched Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”? Approach anxiety — that fear men feel before they approach a new girl — rules the hearts of most men. Most men do not approach anywhere ear the women they wish they could… due precisely to this fear. ADV Harish Ramalingam watched How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls? Stiff or expressive? Wooden or dazzling? How much emotion SHOULD you show (and how broad must your range be) when you talk to women? COMING SOON: ADVANCED TRAINING: What Emotions to Show Girls & Elicit in a Sed Harish Ramalingam watched Why Do Girls Like Mysterious Guys? Mystery… it’s one of those things women are constantly intrigued by in men. Continually they work to peel back the layers and find out what the “truth” of a man is. Yet a lot of men tend to be straight-shooting “what you see Harish Ramalingam watched 17 Opening Body Language Tips (Beginner —> ADVANCED) Your body position on opening a new girl tells her CRUCIAL information about you. Get your posture even a little bit wrong, and you’ll send a message you don’t want to send… PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Harish Ramalingam watched The “I Just Noticed You” Opening Angle Guys who’ve cold approached for a bit often hit a “rut” where their opening becomes too robotic. It’s too practiced… too repetitive… and too hard to break out of that stiffness. ADVANCED TRAINING: 17 Opening Bo Harish Ramalingam watched 10 Tips That DESTROY Approach Anxiety Approach anxiety affects almost every man. So how DO you overcome it… and start chatting up all the girls you’d really like to meet? PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Harish Ramalingam watched DHVing to Girls: The Grounding Sequence Ready to make a girl fall head-over-heels in love with you… even BEFORE intimacy with her? You’ll want to use a Grounding Sequence for that. Harish Ramalingam watched Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”? Approach anxiety — that fear men feel before they approach a new girl — rules the hearts of most men. Most men do not approach anywhere ear the women they wish they could… due precisely to this fear. ADV Harish Ramalingam watched The Insta-Call (for Flakey Texter Girls) Sometimes girls just keep flaking on you. What do you do with these “flakey girls”? Well, you COULD just move on… … or you could use this diabolical little tip of mine instead. Watch the video for the full Harish Ramalingam watched How to Talk to Girls: 14 Killer Conversation Tips Girls DON’T talk about the stuff guys do. That’s because girls aren’t guys! They think different… feel different… and like different things. ADVANCED TRAINING:
Harish Ramalingam watched 7 Things To Talk About With A Girl 02:00 - The most intriguing thing to people is themselves 03:15 - Feeling understood 07:00 - Her friends 09:30 - Boundaries 11:20 - Not feeling judged ________________________________________________________ Harish Ramalingam watched How Sex Changes Her Feelings For You (And Other Men) 01:15 - THE LAUGHING FEST BEGINS (also when people choose sexual partners incorrectly) 03:00 - Women's reputations are attached to you if anyone knows you two got down 04:40 - Other men WILL judge girls based on t Harish Ramalingam watched 8 Signs She Likes You ____________________________________________________ Video details: ____________________________________________________ Related Articles/ Videos: ________________________________ Harish Ramalingam watched 5 Things Women Love to Hear 00:15 – The 5 things she wants to hear from you 01:10 – Everyone wants to feel smart, right? 03:00 – When a girl feels SWEET, she feels YOUNG again 03:30 – The best way to make her FEEL these qualities 05:30 – Sex Harish Ramalingam watched 9 Changes You Experience When You Have One Night Stands Harish Ramalingam watched What to Do After You Lose Your Virginity _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papi.castill0/ Get my college book and learn social circle game: https://courses.girlschase.com/signup/chec Harish Ramalingam watched No First Date Sex? Don't Listen to Girls or Guys Who Tell You This 01:15 - Her "rules" are always changing and she's open to first date sex at many different times in her life Harish Ramalingam watched Why Women Need Foreplay 00:20 - Look at our biology and the precedent for foreplay will make sense Harish Ramalingam watched How to Finger Her and Get Her EXCITED for Sex 00:15 - SOMETIMES, she'll leave you hanging and dry, so focus more on getting her ready Harish Ramalingam watched How to Enjoy Sex As a Beginner Harish Ramalingam watched Can You Have Too Much Sex? Sex Addiction 00:30 - There are benefits to A LOT of sex 03:00 - Most people wish they could have this much sex 04:00 - If sex is getting in the way of your life, then of course _______________________________________________________ Harish Ramalingam watched Does Size Matter? Yes, But... Harish Ramalingam watched Beat Erectile Dysfunction and Get a ROCK HARD ERECTION Video Details: Harish Ramalingam watched How Rich Guys Get Laid Trying to use money to get girls often doesn’t work. Yet, with a little creativity, there are absolutely ways it can. PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Harish Ramalingam watched 9 Advanced Deep Dive Tips The deep dive is a man’s tool to get women to open up. PREVIOUS VIDEO: https://www.girlschase.tv/v Harish Ramalingam watched Jealousy part 1 Jealousy social dynamic Harish Ramalingam watched $ when to pay $ Discussion on splitting the bill, when to pay Harish Ramalingam watched Fantastic Fundamentals 36: Fundamentals ACTION PLAN (SOUP) You’ve reached the end of Fantastic Fundamentals. Well done! I hope you’ve learned much. Before we say goodbye (to talking about fundamentals, anyway), let’s give you a PLAN OF ACTION to ensure you keep improving your fundamentals, Harish Ramalingam watched Treat Sluts w/ Respect and You'll Get Laid Learn how to meet girls everywhere with my day game course: https://courses.girlschase.com/page/meet-girls-everywhere#a_aid=6969&a_bid=4483fab7 Stop getting ignored by girls over text and instead get responses and dates:
Harish Ramalingam watched What is Game? _______________________________________________________________ Follow Hector on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papi.castill0/ Get my college book and learn social circle game: https://courses.girlschase.com/signup/chec Harish Ramalingam watched Messaging Girls on Dating Apps via Stereotypes Judge a book by its cover. Harish Ramalingam watched Tips for Better Communication 01:15 - The basic idea of communication 02:30 - You need to FULLY express yourself 04:00 - The fundamentals and firmness 06:00 - A good phrase to understand people 08:15 - Focus on what you can control _____Auto-Rejection: Why Girls Reject High Value Guys
Signs That She Wants to Fuck
How to Reach the Hook Point with Girls
Fantastic Fundamentals 6: Expressive Facial Expressions
Fantastic Fundamentals 5: Electric Eye Contact
Fantastic Fundamentals 1: Becoming a More Attractive Man
How to Change a Woman’s Mood
Change a Woman’s Mood, Not Her Mind!
How to Talk to Girls & COMPLETELY Absorb Them
Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”?
How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls?
Why Do Girls Like Mysterious Guys?
17 Opening Body Language Tips (Beginner —> ADVANCED)
The “I Just Noticed You” Opening Angle
10 Tips That DESTROY Approach Anxiety
DHVing to Girls: The Grounding Sequence
Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”?
The Insta-Call (for Flakey Texter Girls)
How to Talk to Girls: 14 Killer Conversation Tips
7 Things To Talk About With A Girl
How Sex Changes Her Feelings For You (And Other Men)
8 Signs She Likes You
5 Things Women Love to Hear
9 Changes You Experience When You Have One Night Stands
00:30 - No preaching in this video
02:30 - With more knowledge, you see how much you DON'T know
02:55 - You will become OBSESSED with self improvement
04:00 - Your reputation WILL change
06:40 - YoWhat to Do After You Lose Your Virginity
No First Date Sex? Don't Listen to Girls or Guys Who Tell You This
03:20 - Rules for women are context-based. First date sex is possible, if it's the right guy.
05:30 - Your "goWhy Women Need Foreplay
01:25 - Guys get turned on easy, again, because of biology
02:00 - All of seduction can be seen as foreplay
02:50 - Why women read pornHow to Finger Her and Get Her EXCITED for Sex
02:30 - Technique is good, but it's the experience that matters
04:30 - COME HITHER, HOE&nHow to Enjoy Sex As a Beginner
03:40 - THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART and what made me get good very quickly
05:15 - If something is going to make up a large part of your life, THEN Can You Have Too Much Sex? Sex Addiction
Does Size Matter? Yes, But...
00:15 - Fuck a woman in her MIND
00:30 - the male mental paradigm is survival and size effects
02:20 - Women prefer a STORYLINE over VISUALS
03:30 - Small dick? NO PROBLEM
04Beat Erectile Dysfunction and Get a ROCK HARD ERECTION
03:50 - Physical health without mental health will lose you erections and contribute to erectile dysfunction
04How Rich Guys Get Laid
9 Advanced Deep Dive Tips
Jealousy part 1
$ when to pay $
Fantastic Fundamentals 36: Fundamentals ACTION PLAN (SOUP)
Treat Sluts w/ Respect and You'll Get Laid
What is Game?
Messaging Girls on Dating Apps via Stereotypes
Tips for Better Communication