Hollis watched How to Get GIRLS to Pay for Dates
Getting girls to pay for you doesn’t just save you money — it raises the chance you bed the girl!
Covered in this video:
Hollis watched $ when to pay $
Discussion on splitting the bill, when to pay
Hollis watched Fantastic Fundamentals 21: Possessing Social Power
Social power: it’s the influence you wield over others — plus get what you want without straining for it.
The men who possess a LOT of it can move mountains socially, and achieve enviable social results.
In this lesson we dis
Hollis watched Fantastic Fundamentals 19: Speaking in a Grabbing, Colorful Way
The language you use can make your speech dull and tedious… or enlivening and vivacious.
Today we’ll be talking about how to inject some life into your tired verbiage.
Explored within this lesson:
Hollis watched Fantastic Fundamentals 23: Conversational Aptitude
Your aptitude in conversation makes a HUGE difference.
It displays your social savviness… you may not even realize how much.
What aspects of conversation do people look for? How do you exhibit more social savvy when yo
Hollis watched Fantastic Fundamentals 13: Optimally Attractive Male Musculature & Physique
The gym’s the first place lots of guys go when they want a looks upgrade.
But just how muscular should you aim to become?
In this video, we discuss:
Hollis watched Fantastic Fundamentals 15: A Clear, Loud Voice
No one wants to have to repeat himself.
For THAT, you need a clear, LOUD voice.
In this video, you’ll discover just how to get it:
Hollis watched Fantastic Fundamentals 6: Expressive Facial Expressions
Facial expressions allow someone to convey what he’s feeling on the inside.
They’re one of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication — yet most men roundly ignore them.
In this lesson, we’ll discuss how to use you
Hollis watched Fantastic Fundamentals 9: A Sexy Male Walk
Your walk says so much about you — to men and women alike.
Why do people pay so much attention to walk though… and how do you get a truly sexy male walk?
Discussed in this video:
Hollis watched How to Stop Girls from Lying
Last time, we talked about WHY women tell lies (<— click the link if you haven’t seen that one yet).
Today, we talk about how to get them to S
Hollis watched How to Stop Girls from Lying
Last time, we talked about WHY women tell lies (<— click the link if you haven’t seen that one yet).
Today, we talk about how to get them to S
Hollis watched How to Use Phone Calls to Bond with Girls
Phone calls (as unused today as they are) are an incredible way to bond with girls.
They can completely reset an all-but-broken connection…
… they are even potent for attracting (or re-attracting) women you barely made
Hollis watched 11 Reasons Women Give to Not Have Sex and How to Answer Them
When a girl objects in the bedroom, she doesn’t mean “I don’t want you at all.”
She’ll be disappointed if you give up and leave (or kick her out).
What she really wants is for you to show her you can overcome her objec
Hollis watched Bedroom Objections: Overcoming Light and STRONG Sex Objections
No matter how smooth your seductions and escalations, sometimes you get a girl who objects.
The objections you get come in two “flavors”: light objections… and STRONG objections.
Hollis watched The 9 Best Things to Talk About with Women Talk to girls right — with the RIGHT topics — and you can supercharge their interest in you. But what are the right topics? We’re going to talk about those today. PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Hollis watched Biggest Beginner Problems, Part 1: Wrong Questions First part in 5 part series. Hollis watched Messaging Girls on Dating Apps via Stereotypes Judge a book by its cover. Hollis watched Don't Deal with Drama in Public Don't deal with drama in public. The 9 Best Things to Talk About with Women
Biggest Beginner Problems, Part 1: Wrong Questions
Messaging Girls on Dating Apps via Stereotypes
Don't Deal with Drama in Public