Jay watched Biggest Beginner Problems, Part 1: Wrong Questions
First part in 5 part series.
Jay watched 11 Reasons Women Give to Not Have Sex and How to Answer Them
When a girl objects in the bedroom, she doesn’t mean “I don’t want you at all.”
She’ll be disappointed if you give up and leave (or kick her out).
What she really wants is for you to show her you can overcome her objec
Jay watched 10 Things You Should NEVER Talk About with Girls
When you’re with a girl, you’ve got to talk to her.
Yet your choice of topics can make or break how your courtship goes.
Jay watched The 9 Best Things to Talk About with Women
Talk to girls right — with the RIGHT topics — and you can supercharge their interest in you.
But what are the right topics? We’re going to talk about those today.
Jay watched How to Reach the Hook Point with Girls The “hook point” is the point where a girl hooks into the conversation with you. That is, she reaches the phase where now she doesn’t want this chat with you to end. ADVANCED TRAINING: 8 Guaranteed Ways to Get Jay watched How to Deep Dive a Girl (and Get Her to Really Open Up) How do you get girls to open up to you? The secret to getting a woman to tell you everything about herself is a technique called ‘deep diving’. The deep dive is a conversation method that takes a topic of conversation Jay watched How to Control Your Girlfriend, Part 2: Maintaining Control 02:15 - CREATE GOOD PRECEDENT 04:00 - SET EXPECTATIONS VERY CLEARLY 05:15 - She needs to ask for the relationship, because that gives you more room for negotiation 07:50 - Once she's a cool girl and yo Jay watched How to Control Your Girlfriend, Part 1: The Ethics of Control 01:40 - A man doesn't need to consent to a relationship he doesn't want 04:00 - IM NOT SUGGESTING TYRANNY 05:15 - You don't want to date someone who's your slave 06:00 - Total freedom is bad too < Jay watched Frame is Game; Game is Frame 02:00 - How to "frame game" 04:00 - Everything in the world that matters to us is a "frame" 05:15 - On a date, you're both "framing yourselves" 06:20 - We're choosing what to tell about ourselves, thus framing Jay watched Why You Should Date Alpha Females, Part 1: Real Queens vs Fake Queens 01:15 - What I mean by a "strong woman" or an "alpha female" 02:00 - The Queen is important 03:30 - Do you want a weak woman to raise your children? 05:00 - Why alpha females are good girlfriends
Jay watched Why You Should Date Virtuous Women 00:00 - Let's go 01:15 - There are not a lot of virtuous people 02:05 - Virtuous women can still be nasty in bed 03:40 - Having choice is power 06:00 - Look at her lifestyle 08:00 - L Jay watched Girlfriend Had a Bad Day? Do This 02:40 - Sex can lift her mood 04:40 - Do something nice for her 06:50 - Cuddle and hugs 10:00 - Small things make the relationship 11:30 - She's upset about something that is NOT you < Jay watched Why You Should Date Alpha Females, Part 2: Your Queen 01:30- Alphas win, have values, and can have friends and partners 02:15 - Fake alphas put on the act that they have everything 04:30 - What the accomplishments IMPLIES is what's important 06:15 - How h Jay watched Your Girl Flirts with a Friend - How to React? How do you react? Jay watched Advanced Ways to Pick Up Girls Solo So you like meeting girls solo. Now it’s time to take your solo game to the hilt… and put piles and piles of girls in your solo bed chambers.How to Reach the Hook Point with Girls
How to Deep Dive a Girl (and Get Her to Really Open Up)
How to Control Your Girlfriend, Part 2: Maintaining Control
How to Control Your Girlfriend, Part 1: The Ethics of Control
Frame is Game; Game is Frame
Why You Should Date Alpha Females, Part 1: Real Queens vs Fake Queen
Why You Should Date Virtuous Women
Girlfriend Had a Bad Day? Do This
Why You Should Date Alpha Females, Part 2: Your Queen
Your Girl Flirts with a Friend - How to React?
Advanced Ways to Pick Up Girls Solo