Kostas watched Fantastic Fundamentals 27: Maintaining the Right Social Reputation
You tend to see the same people again and again — for that reason alone, reputation MATTERS.
Let others dictate your reputation, and it may not be the one you want.
Nevertheless, if you understand how reputation works,
Kostas watched Fantastic Fundamentals 28: Fantastic Male Fashion Overview
Welcome to our chapter on FASHION FUNDAMENTALS.In this introductory lesson, we explain:Why fashion is every bit for men (and definitely NOT a “women’s only” field)How huge a man’s style has on his reception by the opposite sexOur focus in t
Kostas watched Why Women Tell Lies
Why do girls tell lies?
⇒ ADVANCED TRAINING: How to Stop Girls from Lying
It can be hurtful when they do… you
Kostas watched Fantastic Fundamentals 2: What to Keep in Mind with Fundamentals
In this series, we’ll dive into a whole host of ways to make yourself more attractive.
Before we dive in though, we first must cover a few of the ground rules to bear in mind.
Rules like:
Kostas watched Fantastic Fundamentals 1: Becoming a More Attractive Man
What makes a man attractive?
Is it his jawline? Height? The space between his eyes? Perhaps the symmetry in his face and body?
While those things beyond a man’s control do factor into attractiveness, an enormous amount of ind