Mugiesshan Anandarajah watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 6: What Full Integration Looks Like
As we get close to wrapping up the series, it’s time to tie everything together.
You have all the pieces you need now to integrate pickup into your day-to-day life.
What’s that actually look like, however?
In thi
Mugiesshan Anandarajah watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 5: Expanding Your Social Net
Most men stick to fairly limited social circles and types of people.
Yet if you want to get the MOST out of your socializing — and you want to meet lots of women — you are going to need a broader social net.
Mugiesshan Anandarajah watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 4: Social Circle or Cold Approach?
There comes a time when every man must ask himself:
“Do I want to meet girls through my friends or do I want to meet girls anywhere?”
The answer to this question lets a man decide whether he’ll focus on social circle o
Mugiesshan Anandarajah watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 3: How to Be “Always On”
Once you’re out there, you start seeing girls you want to meet… but don’t.
How do you get yourself to be “always on”, so you can go meet girls whenever you see them?
Covered in Part 3: How to Be “Always On”:
Mugiesshan Anandarajah watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 2: Common Mistakes Men Make
Many guys who try to integrate picking up girls to their daily lives run into false starts.
They try, and fail, then try and fail again.
Ultimately, many give up, resigning themselves to not approaching women during their dai