Prithvi watched Fantastic Fundamentals 1: Becoming a More Attractive Man
What makes a man attractive?
Is it his jawline? Height? The space between his eyes? Perhaps the symmetry in his face and body?
While those things beyond a man’s control do factor into attractiveness, an enormous amount of ind
Prithvi watched Fantastic Fundamentals 4: Posture
Posture is one of the simplest fundamentals to fix — yet also one of the most impactful.
Excellent posture makes such a tremendous difference in how a man looks as to be transformative.
In this video on posture, we discuss:
Prithvi watched The Insta-Call (for Flakey Texter Girls)
Sometimes girls just keep flaking on you.
What do you do with these “flakey girls”?
Well, you COULD just move on…
… or you could use this diabolical little tip of mine instead.
Watch the video for the full
Prithvi watched Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”?
Approach anxiety — that fear men feel before they approach a new girl — rules the hearts of most men.
Most men do not approach anywhere ear the women they wish they could… due precisely to this fear.