Tee watched Fantastic Fundamentals 8: Movement
Movement is a lot subtler than what we talked about in the lessons on facial expressions and mannerisms.
Yet it has a noticeable impact on the way a man presents — and his attractiveness.
Discussed in this video:
Tee watched Fantastic Fundamentals 11: Having Sexy Skin
Skin has a surprisingly big impact on attractiveness. It even impacts how good-looking your face is!
For as important as it is, it’s often quite neglected by men. What can you do to improve yours?
In this lesson, we discuss:<
Tee watched Fantastic Fundamentals 9: A Sexy Male Walk
Your walk says so much about you — to men and women alike.
Why do people pay so much attention to walk though… and how do you get a truly sexy male walk?
Discussed in this video:
Tee watched How to Find Cities It’s Easy to Meet Girls In
The right city (for you) can make meeting women a whole lot easier.
But what should you look for?
Tee watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 4: Social Circle or Cold Approach? There comes a time when every man must ask himself: “Do I want to meet girls through my friends or do I want to meet girls anywhere?” The answer to this question lets a man decide whether he’ll focus on social circle o Tee watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 3: How to Be “Always On” Once you’re out there, you start seeing girls you want to meet… but don’t. How do you get yourself to be “always on”, so you can go meet girls whenever you see them? Covered in Part 3: How to Be “Always On”: Tee watched Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 2: Common Mistakes Men Make Many guys who try to integrate picking up girls to their daily lives run into false starts. They try, and fail, then try and fail again. Ultimately, many give up, resigning themselves to not approaching women during their dai Tee watched 17 Opening Body Language Tips (Beginner —> ADVANCED) Your body position on opening a new girl tells her CRUCIAL information about you. Get your posture even a little bit wrong, and you’ll send a message you don’t want to send… PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Tee watched Wait for Choosing Signals Before Approaching Girls? 01:30 - Both sides are wrong 02:45 - Of course it's better if she gives you a choosing signal! 04:15 - Should you be approaching A LOT? 06:00 - You could get a sign of interest but still lose it 07:00 - Wait Tee watched Don't Deal with Drama in Public Don't deal with drama in public. Tee watched 10 Tips That DESTROY Approach Anxiety Approach anxiety affects almost every man. So how DO you overcome it… and start chatting up all the girls you’d really like to meet? PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Tee watched Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”? Approach anxiety — that fear men feel before they approach a new girl — rules the hearts of most men. Most men do not approach anywhere ear the women they wish they could… due precisely to this fear. ADV Tee watched Girlfriend Had a Bad Day? Do This 02:40 - Sex can lift her mood 04:40 - Do something nice for her 06:50 - Cuddle and hugs 10:00 - Small things make the relationship 11:30 - She's upset about something that is NOT you < Tee watched How to Build Attainability that Gets You Girls Attainability can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around. Yet, once you get it, you REALLY get it… and you start to get the girls, too (a lot of them!). PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Tee watched Auto-Rejection: Why Girls Reject High Value Guys Girls don’t always reject you because you’re “not good enough.” Some girls reject you because you’re TOO good. ADVANCED TRAINING: How to Build Attainability that Gets You Girls
Tee watched 10 Things You Should NEVER Talk About with Girls When you’re with a girl, you’ve got to talk to her. Yet your choice of topics can make or break how your courtship goes. Tee watched Why Do Girls Like Mysterious Guys? Mystery… it’s one of those things women are constantly intrigued by in men. Continually they work to peel back the layers and find out what the “truth” of a man is. Yet a lot of men tend to be straight-shooting “what you see Tee watched How to Find Cities It’s Easy to Meet Girls In The right city (for you) can make meeting women a whole lot easier. But what should you look for? PREVIOUS VIDEO:
Tee watched How to Go Out Alone to Pick Up Girls Going out alone to pick up girls can be scary… yet it can also be greatly rewarding. There are more than a few tricks to getting it right, however. ADVANCED TRAINING: Advanced Ways to Pick Up Girls Solo
Tee watched Advanced Ways to Pick Up Girls Solo So you like meeting girls solo. Now it’s time to take your solo game to the hilt… and put piles and piles of girls in your solo bed chambers.Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 4: Social Circle or Co
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 3: How to Be “Always O
Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Pt. 2: Common Mistakes Men
17 Opening Body Language Tips (Beginner —> ADVANCED)
Wait for Choosing Signals Before Approaching Girls?
Don't Deal with Drama in Public
10 Tips That DESTROY Approach Anxiety
Why Is It SO Hard To Beat “Approach Anxiety”?
Girlfriend Had a Bad Day? Do This
How to Build Attainability that Gets You Girls
Auto-Rejection: Why Girls Reject High Value Guys
10 Things You Should NEVER Talk About with Girls
Why Do Girls Like Mysterious Guys?
How to Find Cities It’s Easy to Meet Girls In
How to Go Out Alone to Pick Up Girls
Advanced Ways to Pick Up Girls Solo