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How Much EMOTION Should You Show with Girls?


Ready for the next level?

  • Stiff or expressive? Wooden or dazzling?

    How much emotion SHOULD you show (and how broad must your range be) when you talk to women?

    COMING SOON: ADVANCED TRAINING: What Emotions to Show Girls & Elicit in a Seduction

    Every guy’s a bit different, yet there definitely is a range you want to operate within emotionally with women.

    In this video, we talk about determining where exactly that range is.

    Topics covered include:

    • The dangers of “emotional extremes”
    • How much it differs from guy to guy
    • What men vs. women focus on emotionally
    • Four distinct “categories” of people emotionally
    • Disconnects that happen between “different category” people
    • Adapting your emotional range to match & LEAD hers

    As you become more “emotionally adaptable”, you’ll discover you’re able to connect emotionally with more and more different kinds of girls… including those who might otherwise have considered the two of you ‘disconnected’.

    If you want to know which emotions in particular to exhibit in conversation with women, you’re going to want to stick around for our PREMIUM advanced training video on this very juicy subject. In it, I’ll introduce you to 10 emotions you absolutely must AVOID if you do not want to completely sabotage your courtships… plus 10 other emotions highly conducive to a fun, flirtatious, and sexy communication.

    COMING SOON: ADVANCED TRAINING: What Emotions to Show Girls & Elicit in a Seduction

    That’s coming up SOON… so keep watching GirlsChase.TV.


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    Category : Conversation


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