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Fantastic Fundamentals 36: Fundamentals ACTION PLAN (SOUP)


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    1 Comments and 1 replies
  • SparklingWadah
    SparklingWadah Loved this series! For the "Observe" stage of SOUP, I always found it challenging to learn from movies. I couldn't tell if the male actor was being sexy or not, and I'd usually get bored fast because I'd pause every few seconds everything the actor did (and usually learning nothing). Any tips on a good process to study movies or videos?
    • Chase
      Chase Glad you loved it, man! For movies, if you’re not sure if the actor’s being sexy, check out examples others with a better “sexy-dar” point you toward. We have a section on these full of examples, many with concrete breakdowns of little things the actor does, on GirlsChase.com in the “Movie Seductions” category:
      There’s also a thread on Skilled Seducer listing out good example movie seductions:
      Once you’re fairly certain that a guy is sexy (based on what other people are telling you), just take note of his mannerisms and make an effort to emulate them yourself — then watch what kind of feedback you get from girls.