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10 Obvious Signs She Wants To Date You | How To Tell If A Girl Likes You


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  • When girls like a guy, they can make it PRETTY obvious… or so they think!

    Oftentimes guys STILL don’t recognize girls’ “obvious” signals.

    Other times, her signals may register, but the guy still has doubts.

    How can you know for sure that she’s feeling you?

    In this video, we reveal the 10 most OBVIOUS signs that a girl really, really likes you:

    • Smiles and giggles whenever you’re around (even if it’s subtle!)

    • Looking for excuses to touch you when talking (have you noticed this?)

    • Staring at you when you aren’t looking… then quickly looking away when you catch her

    • Bringing up topics that could be a “date conversation starter”

    … Plus six (6) more MAJOR green lights!

    Ready for more signs? Check out my follow up video with 20 MORE obvious signals she’ll send your way here:


    Category : Female Nature

    #approach invitations#signs of interest#signs she likes you#how to tell if a girl likes you

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